The following topics are discussed on this page.
If you would like to change options and details involving the other users on your account click on Manage Users under the Account tab. On this page there is a list current users of the account.
If you click the Manage button a list of options will appear for that user.
Edit User Profile
You can change contact information and other details by clicking Edit Profile. On the following page make your changes and click Edit Profile.
Viewing as User
Access Control
If you change the Access Role the individual points of access will be changed automatically according to what the role allows access to.
You can put the user into a group if you want to have them in a certain category.
You can also change points of access individually if you choose.
Change Points of Access Individually
For example, next we will give lisa access to run a bandwidth report.
- ClickEditnext toCan view/reply to support tickets?
2. You will have the option to give by clicking the checkbox.
Changes will automatically be saved.
Delete User
Add Users
You can add a user by clicking the+Add User button.
Add email and password of the user that you would like to add in the box below.
Once information has been added the user will receive login information in their email.
Manage Groups
On the Manage Users page in the right-hand column you can edit your group information under the Manage Groups section.
An individual is not required to be in a group, but you can create groups for your users if you like. There will be a list of the groups you currently have associated with your account.
1. You can add a group with the +Add Group button.
2. If you click the blue Manage the button next to a group name you can edit or delete the group.
3. If you click Edit Group you can change the group name and description.
4. Click the Edit Group button to save your changes.
Manage Roles
You can edit and create roles on the Manage Users page. Roles only allow certain types of access for the users they are assigned to.
Under the Manage Roles section is a list of roles that are currently available.
Highlighted in orange are the roles that are always available at My.Krypt.
Highlighted in red are the roles that you have created and customized.
If you want to add a role click the +Add Role button.
Roles that you have created
You can click the Manage button next to a role that you have created to view a list of options for that role.
1.Hit Copy Role if you want to make a similar role. A copy of that role will be made that you can edit.
By default, the copy of the role will have the name “Copy of role”.
2. You can change the name by typing it in the text box and clicking the Update button.
3. You can edit each point of access by clicking edit and selecting Full Access or No Access.
Changes are saved automatically.
4. Back on the Manage Users page, you can click the blue Manage button and click Edit Role to edit a role that you have created.
5. A page will appear where you can change the name and points of access of the role.
6. If you would like to delete the role go back to the Manage Users page, click the blue Manage button and click Delete Role.
My.Krypt Roles
1.If you click the blue Manage button next to one of the roles that are always available on My.Krypt, you can make a copy of the role that you can edit and save under a different name.
2. You can change the name of the role by typing it in the text box and clicking the blue Update button.
3. You can edit each point of access as you choose by clicking edit and checking the box for Full Access or No Access.
- 编辑用户资料
- 以用户身份查看
- 访问控制
- 删除用户
- 添加用户
- 管理群组
- 管理角色