How to run speedtest in linux cli

  Download: wget -O speedtest-cli chmod +x speedtest-cli Usage: $ speedtest-cli -h usage: speedtest-cli [-h] [–bytes] [–share] [–simple] [–list] [–server SERVER] [–mini MINI] [–source SOURCE] [–timeout TIMEOUT] [–secure] [–version] Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using ————————————————————————– optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit –bytes Display values in …

How to Change the Main IP on Centos

Navigate to the network scripts directory. [root@AT16-693 ~]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Locate the network interface file by typing ls In this example, the network interface file is call ifcfg-eth0 Edit that file using a text editor like nano or vi # nano ifcfg-eth0 Edit the IPADDR , NETMASK, and GATEWAY IPs to the correct IP that is …

How to Bind Multiple IPs in Centos

In this example, We will use this IP Block Navigate to the network scripts directorya. [root@AT16-693 ~]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Locate the network interface file by typing lsa. In this example, the network interface file is call ifcfg-eth0b. Create a file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0 if this doesn’t exist, or just add to it if you already have …

Adding Muliple IP Address for Windows

Check IP using ipconfig /all Use this command below for Adding Multiple IP Addresses at Once FOR /L %A IN (2,1,6) DO netsh interface ipv4 add address “Local Area Connection” 174.139.66.%A Explanation: Start = 2 means IP Address will start from Step = 1 means 4th octet will add +1 to (the …

Veeam Cloud Connect Agent Based User Guide

Open WINDOWS EXPLORER Go to ftp site username vplsveeam password SunnyDay5fun!@! Download VeeamAgentWindows zip file Run Windows update and install all updates available.  This makes sure any known VSS bugs that have been patched are addressed before installation.  You may need to restart the server and repeat this process a few times to install …

How to change Main IP on Ubuntu

For this example, we will use Ubuntu 12.04 Use a text editor to open /etc/network/interfaces # nano /etc/network/interfaces Modify the address, netmask, and gateway IPs to match your service profile page. Save those changes Restart the network # /etc/init.d/networking restart Test by ping a website or an IP. Done! Please open a support ticket if you …